Monday Night Thoughts šŸ’­

Do you ever get the urge to do something completely out of your comfort zone even though you are absolutely terrified, but you just need a break from every day life?

I often think about this and what I would do if I just had the ā€˜fuck itā€™ attitude. I feel like our generation is so obsessed with meeting the next milestone in life we forget to actually live.

As soon as you start working, you are told to save for a house and set up a pension because it will benefit you in the long run. We are constantly preparing and trying to better our future that we might not even get to see?

I think it is so important to enjoy life and do the things you want to do. If it means you have to delay buying a house, or getting your dream job, but you had an unforgettable experience doing something you truly want to do – DO IT!

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